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In the early 1980's, this written policy existed only in a draft policy manual the DLSE prepared for the guidance of deputy labor commissioners. California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE) Key Functions · DLSE Enforcement Manual · DLSE Opinion Letters. DIVISION OF LABOR STANDARDS ENFORCEMENT. ENFORCEMENT POLICIES AND INTERPRETATIONS MANUAL. 46.6.4. Changing Uniforms o r Washing Up at W ork. The Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (“DLSE” or “Labor Commissioner”) Enforcement Policies and Interpretations Manual (“Enforcement Manual”) To return to the manual, use the "back" button on your browser and not the "Go to Previous View" button on the Acrobat Reader toolbar. View the DLSE Enforcement Wage and Hour Manual for California Employers, 22nd ed. Department of Labor (DOL) and the California Department of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE),
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